Saturday, November 17, 2012

10 truths: Picking up the pieces...

Ten truths worth telling:
  1. That thing you really don't want to do is the one thing you really need to do.
  2. All suffering ends.  You'll always pick up the pieces and build a stronger YOU in the aftermath.
  3. Honor your impulses - if you don't, the energy builds up inside you and becomes something else you really don't want.
  4. The time you spend in indecision changes the circumstances surrounding the things you must choose from.  You may have lost a very good thing by waiting to know if it was good enough to choose.
  5. Real love never looks the way you thought it would.  Stop looking for it and starting feeling for it instead.
  6. Don't allow someone else to choose for you.  They'll never be right.
  7. When you don't feel good, put on your hottest jeans, your biggest earrings and pretend that you feel like a million bucks.  Even if no one else bears witness.
  8. Dancing cures all ills, soothes all hearts, rids a mind of worry and translates emotional energy into joy, which is the fuel for the beautiful flow of life.
  9. All joys and pains, friends and foes, triumphs and failures are meant to teach you something.  Pay attention - and love the painful moments as much as the blissful ones.  The greatest gifts lie in the darkest corners.
  10. Falling in love is always worth it.  Always.  Don't tell yourself the old stories of heartbreak.  Heartbreak is only a memory.  Love is what is real, and it is waiting for you to open the door now.

A tree grows in the concrete.
It knows its odds of growing old are not great.
It cares not if its time is short,
rather it cares only to say "I'm here."
"This shadow is mine."
"I've earned what I've accomplished."
"I grew here to teach you a lesson, and
I'm happy to have had the opportunity to help you grow stronger."

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