I've realized that our thinking, hurting, angry, over-communicative, over-stimulated and frustrated minds are so full that the quiet space needed for the gentle souls among us and peaceful solutions contained within them have nearly no place in our world right now... but it is precisely those souls and those ideas that are so needed.
The news bombards us. The talking heads talk. The angry politicians act without thought and fight without concern. The egos are bigger than ever. Acting on impulse, from anger and without thought - it's everywhere. The injustice is ripe and rotting in our own front lawns but we can't seem to clean it up. We can't seem to even call attention to it anymore because it is everywhere. In fact, the stories that seem to capture and hold our attention are those rare stories of change and hope in the world - those are the ones that stand out from the rest. Those are the stories we are truly seeking, but our pre-programmed and muddled minds always seek more and more stimulation and ultimately they forget the story of hope. They turn back to the terror, the fear, the desolate reality of a world gone wrong. We swim in it. We are desperate for change and peace but we can't find it. Too much gets in the way five minutes later. The hope which seemed so palatable is once again gone and we are left seeking, knowing it is somewhere in the chaos of the rotten injustice.
The hope must be held on to.
Those of us with the hope, the ideas, the solutions, the programs, the generous hearts... we must dig deep and find all the courage we can possibly find to speak aloud those truths which we know can change the tides in our world. It's hard, doing such a thing, because it requires strength and courage that come from a place which requires a loving fuel to keep us going... but such loving, hopeful energy is so hard to find right now. Yet still we must try.
And keep trying because that's why we are here.
Just remember that when all of the noise and chaos around us becomes deafening, it is in that space that we can be heard. We carry the story of hope so many are seeking - and the courage to do the work. There will be times when we - when you - will need to be your own fuel. When attentions wander and people forget that your ideas, your courage, your work of change are indeed valuable and are indeed changing the world, you must become your own fuel. It was in the very same space of great pain and injustice in the world that the quiet and humble teachers throughout human history - Jesus, Gandhi, Buddha - walked quietly through the hells that surrounded them to tell their stories of Love, Peace and Hope. Those teachers became leaders, those leaders became prophets and those prophets became spirits who guide us still today. Call on them in your time of great need, but remember that you too contain the same courage they had. You have the same kind of thoughts, the same space for hope, the same earthly body and the same calling to "be the change you wish to see in the world." (Gandhi)
You may be one of us, you may be that peaceful teacher and I tell you now that I hear you... and you are not alone. For it is in the time of great imbalance that true balance can be found. It is in our destitution that we can so clearly see what hope looks like. And it is in a world that appears devoid of love for our fellow human that we can recognize instantly what love looks like. While many may become distracted and forget that they've seen the love, somewhere deep inside them their soul remembers what it looks like and they will keep seeking it. Stand firm in the love and peace you bring to the world and those seeking it will find you. God's plan is greater than any of ours and he has sent us to remind the world of that.
Be strong. Be faithful. Be courage itself. Be what you were meant to be.
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Eye of God |
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